Welcome to the ClearRoad API documentation!
ClearRoad is a SaaS platform that enables to quickly build a road pricing solution.
ClearRoad API is a synchronisation protocol that ensures 100% accuracy, auditability, transparency on the data and the financial transactions managed by the platform. ClearRoad work as a central ledger from which other systems can feed into or pull data from.
The API is based on the synchronization of messages. The document below describes the different messages and the data that compose them. ClearRoad Platform will process each message and provide a status on each of the message in the platform. If the platform approves the messages, then it will create or update the necessary documents (or objects) in the system. This documentation provides the details of the different documents (or objects) that can be created.
You will find here samples to send and receive data on the API, and will be able to test them with a basic account or your own account.
Using the Playground
You can use the ClearRoad API in the following cases:
- you want to manage user accounts: follow the Account Manager documentation
- you want to report mileage for user vehicles: follow the Data Provider documentation
Please refer to the API Reference for more information on how to use the JavaScript SDK.
Account Manager: before starting the tutorial, you can either follow the Data Provider tutorial to send road usage data or send an email to ClearRoad so that we can create transactions for you.
Account Manager
Registering a road account
To create road account registration for a specific vehicle:
"account_manager": "testamref",
"data_collector": "testmpref",
"condition": "test-stc-1",
"cert_id": "1051",
"account_reference": "USER000011",
"effective_date": "2018-04-01T00:00:00Z",
"expiration_date": "2018-04-01T00:00:00Z",
"fuel_consumption": "12.0",
"fuel_taxable": "1",
"obu_reference": "977298026d50a5b1795c6563",
"vehicle_reference": "2C1MR2295T6789740",
"product_line": "ruc_metrics",
"portal_type": "Road Account Message"
You can get the status of your request of road account registration by listing them:
query: 'portal_type: "Road Account Message"',
select_list: [
This method allows to create a road account registration for a vehicle associate with a specific road account. If the road account does not exist, the system will create a new road account as well.
ClearRoad will only accept and process road usage data for a specific vehicle if the vehicle has already an active road account registration.
cr.post({account_manager, data_collector, condition, cert_id, account_reference, effective_date, expiration_date, fuel_consumption, fuel_taxable, obu_reference, vehicle_reference, product_line, portal_type});
Property | Description | Required | Default |
account_manager | The reference of an account manager that already exists in ClearRoad Platform. | No | |
data_collector | The reference should be of a data provider that already exists in ClearRoad Platform. | Yes | |
condition | Sale Trade Condition to apply. The reference should be of an object that already exists in ClearRoad Platform. | Yes | |
cert_id | The DOT certificate ID value | Yes | |
account_reference | The reference of the road account to be defined. | Yes | |
effective_date | The start date of the customer account. Could not be left empty. Should be in UTC. | Yes | |
expiration_date | The stop date of the customer account. Could be left empty - the road account will have no expiration date. Should be in UTC. | No | |
fuel_consumption | Combined EPA Miles Per Gallon (MPG) rating for the vehicle. | Yes | |
fuel_taxable | Boolean defining if customer is subject to taxable fuel. | Yes | |
obu_reference | An object for this on board unit will be created in the ClearRoad platform if it is nor already present. | No | |
vehicle_reference | An onject for this vehicle will be created in the ClearRoad Platform if it is not already present. | Yes | |
product_line | The reporting method the customer choosed to use. Values: odometer_message_no_transaction odometer_message_transaction ruc_metrics service |
Yes | |
portal_type | The type of the message in the ClearRoad Platform. Only one value is possible. | Yes | Road Account Message |
Try it out
Listing road accounts
You can list the road accounts along their messages:
query: 'portal_type: "Road Account"',
select_list: [
}).push(result => {
result.data.rows.forEach(row => {
// reference is used as "destination_reference" when registering a road account
const reference = row.value.reference;
// contains the documents associated with the account
const registrations = row.value.registrations;
List the road accounts you have access to.
cr.allDocs({query, select_list})
Property | Value |
query | 'portal_type: "Road Account"' |
select_list | Any of'reference' : road account reference 'registrations' : all documents linked to the road account |
Try it out
Registering a billing period
Adding a billing period can be done using the following post method:
"reference": "2018Q1",
"start_date": "2018-04-01T00:00:00Z",
"stop_date": "2018-04-01T00:00:00Z",
"portal_type": "Billing Period Message"
You can get the status of your request of billing period message by listing them:
query: 'portal_type: "Billing Period Message"',
select_list: [
For applications that only need the aggregate charges over a long period of time, it is easier to set up billing periods. ClearRoad will aggregate for you the related transactions in reports.
To learn more about reports, see the report section.
cr.post({reference, start_date, stop_date, portal_type});
Property | Description | Required | Default |
reference | The reference given to the new billing period which will be used to reference it in the future. | Yes | |
start_date | The date, starting which, the billing period is going to be active. Should be in UTC. | Yes | |
stop_date | The date, starting which, the billing period will become inactive. Should be UTC. If it is left empty, the billing period will never turn inactive, once activated. | Yes | |
portal_type | The type of message in the ClearRoad Platform. Only one value is possible | Yes | Billing Period Message |
Try it out
Listing road events
You can list the road events using:
query: 'portal_type: "Road Event"',
select_list: [
List processed road messages.
cr.allDocs({query, select_list})
Property | Value |
query | 'portal_type: "Road Event"' |
select_list | Any of'source_reference' : the reference of the source road message 'vehicle_reference' : the VIN of the vehicle 'obu_reference' : the OBU of the vehicle 'event_date' : date associated with the road message 'report_date' : the date the message was sent 'type' : the event type 'state' : state of the road message (acknowledged if the message was processed) |
Try it out
Listing road transactions
You can list the road transactions using:
query: 'portal_type: "Road Transaction"',
select_list: [
List road transactions.
cr.allDocs({query, select_list})
Property | Value |
query | 'portal_type: "Road Transaction"' |
select_list | Any of'vehicle_reference' : the VIN of the vehicle 'obu_reference' : the OBU of the vehicle 'transaction_date' : the date that the miles being reported were traveled on 'report_date' : the date when the transaction was reported 'transaction_type' : a value to indicate the type of message from the MRD'rule' : see rules 'fuel_quantity' : amount of fuel consumed at the transaction date (gallon) 'miles_quantity' : miles traveled at the transaction date 'state' : state of the transaction (acknowledged if it was processed) |
Try it out
Requesting a report
Step 1: request a report:
"report_type": "AccountBalance",
"billing_period_reference": "2018Q1",
"request_date": "2017-07-18T00:00:00Z",
"request": "",
"portal_type": "Road Report Request"
}).push(reference => {
// use this reference in step 2
Step 1.1: if you need to find the reference of your request, use:
query: 'grouping_reference: "data" AND portal_type: "Road Report Request" AND billing_period_reference: "<reference>"',
select_list: [
}).push(result => {
// look for the result matching your request from step 1
result.data.rows.forEach(row => {
// use this reference in step 2
const reference = row.value.source_reference;
Step 2: check the status of the request:
query: 'grouping_reference: "report" AND portal_type: "Road Report Request" AND source_reference: "<reference from step 1>"',
select_list: [
}).push(result => {
const document = result.data.rows[0].value;
if (document.state === 'processed') {
// report is ready, go to step 3
else {
// check again later (processing time depends on collected data)
Step 3: get the result of the report using the
obtained at step 1 (or find it with step 1.1):
cr.getReportFromRequest('reference').push(report => {
// display the report
You can request a report that will be processed in the background and will be available later on. This is done in 3 steps as per the code sample.
cr.post({report_type, billing_period_reference, request_date, request, portal_type});
Property | Description | Required | Default |
report_type | The type of the requested report. Values: AccountBalance |
Yes | |
billing_period_reference | The reference of the billing period. The billing period should already exist in the ClearRoad Platform. | Yes | |
request_date | The datetime for which the request is made. Should be in UTC. | Yes | |
request | Used to give specific parameters to report if needed. This filed could be left empty for an AccountBalance report. | No | |
portal_type | The type of the object in the ClearRoad Platform. Only one possible value. | Yes | Road Report Request |
Try it out
Data Provider
Sending road usage data
Sending road usage data can be done using the following post method:
"request": {
"description": "Mileage data",
"vehicle_reference": "1GTG6BE38F1262119",
"obu_reference": "977298026d50a5b1795c6563",
"type": "MRP",
"transaction_date": "2018-04-01T00:00:00Z",
"mileage_details": {
"fuel_price": "-0.30000001192092896",
"fuel_quantity": "0.14000000059604645",
"miles_price": "0.014999999664723873",
"miles_quantity": "3.700000047683716",
"rule_id": "41",
"sub_rule_id": "1"
"portal_type": "Road Message"
You can get the status of your request of road messages by listing them:
query: 'portal_type: "Road Message"',
select_list: [
You can send the usage of mileage of a user using Road Message.
cr.post({request, portal_type});
Property | Description | Required | Default |
request.description | The description of the reported mileage | Yes | |
request.vehicle_reference | The Vehicle Identification Number of the vehicle for which the message is reported. | Yes | |
request.obu_reference | The On Board Unit reference of the device for which the message is reported | Yes | |
request.type | A value to indicate the type of message. Values: ADJ CRE FEE INV MRP |
Yes | |
request.transaction_date | The date at which mileage was traveled. Should be in UTC. | Yes | |
request.mileage_details[].fuel_price | The price of the fuel consumed at the transaction date. | No | 0 |
request.mileage_details[].fuel_quantity | The quantity of fuel consumed at the transaction date. | Yes | 0 |
request.mileage_details[].miles_price | The price of miles traveled. | No | 0 |
request.mileage_details[].miles_quantity | The number of miles traveled. | Yes | 0 |
request.mileage_details[].rule_id | An identifier associated with a geographic area, or zone, in which a specific rate per mile will be assessed for miles traveled. FIPS codes are used to identify states. | Yes | 0 |
request.mileage_details[].sub_rule_id | 0 if the travel was on public roads, 1 if it was on private roads | Yes | 0 |
portal_type | The type of message in the ClearRoad Platform. Only one type possible | Yes | Road Message |
Try it out
Reporting a road event
Reporting events can be done using the following post method:
"request": {
"vehicle_reference": "1GTG6BE38F1262119",
"obu_reference": "977298026d50a5b1795c6563",
"event_details": {
"type": "12",
"date": "2018-04-01T00:00:00Z"
"portal_type": "Road Event Message"
You can get the status of your request of road event messages by listing them:
query: 'portal_type: "Road Event Message"',
select_list: [
Events like connection of device, or management event like missing mileage can be reported through the usage of Road Event Message.
cr.post({request, portal_type});
Property | Description | Required | Default |
request.vehicle_reference | The Vehicle Identification Number of the road account registration for which the event is reported | Yes | |
request.obu_reference | The On Board Unit reference of the road account registration for which the event is reported | Yes | |
request.event_details[].type | The ID of the event. Every type has it own ID. | Yes | |
request.event_details[].date | The datetime of the event. Should be a UTC time. | Yes | |
portal_type | The type of the object in ClearRoad Platform. Only one value is possible. | Yes | Road Event Message |
Try it out
Listing road events
You can list the road events using:
query: 'portal_type: "Road Event"',
select_list: [
List processed road messages.
cr.allDocs({query, select_list})
Property | Value |
query | 'portal_type: "Road Event"' |
select_list | Any of'source_reference' : the reference of the source road message 'vehicle_reference' : the VIN of the vehicle 'obu_reference' : the OBU of the vehicle 'event_date' : date associated with the road message 'report_date' : the date the message was sent 'type' : the event type 'state' : state of the road message (acknowledged if the message was processed) |
Try it out
Please refer to the Account Manager's Listing road events section.
Listing road transactions
You can list the road transactions using:
query: 'portal_type: "Road Transaction"',
select_list: [
List road transactions.
cr.allDocs({query, select_list})
Property | Value |
query | 'portal_type: "Road Transaction"' |
select_list | Any of'vehicle_reference' : the VIN of the vehicle 'obu_reference' : the OBU of the vehicle 'transaction_date' : the date that the miles being reported were traveled on 'report_date' : the date when the transaction was reported 'transaction_type' : a value to indicate the type of message from the MRD'rule' : see rules 'fuel_quantity' : amount of fuel consumed at the transaction date (gallon) 'miles_quantity' : miles traveled at the transaction date 'state' : state of the transaction (acknowledged if it was processed) |
Try it out
Please refer to the Account Manager's Listing road transactions section.
MRD types
Code | Description |
ADJ | Adjusted mileage transaction |
CRE | Credit transaction |
FEE | Fees transaction |
INV | Invoicing transaction |
MRP | Reported mileage transaction |
Event types
Common MRD Health code for OBD-II devices:
Code | Type |
EVENT_AM_100 | AM Event for No mileage received from VIN for given date |
EVENT_AM_101 | AM Event for Unreadable message from MRD / Checksum failure |
EVENT_AM_102 | AM Event for MessageIDs from MRD not correctly incrementing |
EVENT_AM_103 | AM Event for VIN - MRD ID mismatch |
EVENT_AM_104 | AM Event for Date/time not increasing from last message |
EVENT_AM_105 | AM Event for Accumulated mileage decreased from last message |
EVENT_AM_106 | AM Event for New total mileage does not equal sum of mileage in zones |
EVENT_AM_107 | AM Event for InvalidRule ID |
EVENT_AM_108 | AM Event for Unreasonable miles per day |
EVENT_MRD_1 | MRD Event for Low Voltage |
EVENT_MRD_10 | MRD Event for Software updates |
EVENT_MRD_11 | MRD Event for Degraded mileage data |
EVENT_MRD_12 | MRD Event for Missed mileage |
EVENT_MRD_13 | MRD Event for Vendor-specific |
EVENT_MRD_2 | MRD Event for Compromising Anomaly |
EVENT_MRD_3 | MRD Event for Storage full |
EVENT_MRD_4 | MRD Event for Disconnects / reconnects |
EVENT_MRD_5 | MRD Event for Connected to new vehicle |
EVENT_MRD_6 | MRD Event for Vehicle interface communications failure |
EVENT_MRD_7 | MRD Event for Location data degraded |
EVENT_MRD_8 | MRD Event for Incorrect date/time |
EVENT_MRD_9 | MRD Event for Software resets |
Mileage Rule ids
Code | Description |
2 | ALASKA |
12 | FLORIDA |
13 | GEORGIA |
15 | HAWAII |
16 | IDAHO |
18 | INDIANA |
19 | IOWA |
20 | KANSAS |
23 | MAINE |
30 | MONTANA |
300 | CANADA |
301 | Mexico |
302 | International Miles |
303 | Canada - Alberta |
304 | Canada - British Columbia |
305 | Canada - New Brunswick |
306 | Canada - Newfoundland and Labrador |
307 | Canada - Nova Scotia |
308 | Canada - Manitoba |
309 | Canada - Ontario |
310 | Canada - Quebec |
311 | Canada - Prince Edward Island |
312 | Canada - Saskatchewan |
313 | Canada - Northwest Territories |
314 | Canada - Nunavut |
315 | Canada - Yukon |
32 | NEVADA |
320 | Mexico - Aguascalientes |
321 | Mexico - Baja California |
322 | Mexico- Baja California Sur |
323 | Mexico - Campeche |
324 | Mexico - Chiapas |
325 | Mexico - Chihuahua |
326 | Mexico - Coahuila |
327 | Mexico - Colima |
328 | Mexico - Durango |
329 | Mexico - Guanajuato |
330 | Mexico - Guerrero |
331 | Mexico - Hidalgo |
332 | Mexico - Jalisco |
333 | México - Mexico |
334 | Mexico - Michoacán |
335 | Mexico - Morelos |
336 | Mexico - Nayarit |
337 | Mexico - Nuevo León |
338 | Mexico - Oaxaca |
339 | Mexico - Puebla |
340 | Mexico - Queretaro |
341 | Mexico - Quintana Roo |
342 | Mexico - San Luis Potosí |
343 | Mexico - Sinaloa |
344 | Mexico - Sonora |
345 | Mexico - Tabasco |
346 | Mexico - Tamaulipas |
347 | Mexico - Tlaxcala |
348 | Mexico - Veracruz |
349 | Mexico - Yucatán |
350 | Mexico - Zacatecas |
351 | Mexico - Mexico City |
36 | NEW YORK |
39 | OHIO |
41 | OREGON |
48 | TEXAS |
49 | UTAH |
50 | VERMONT |
56 | WYOMING |
66 | GUAM |
Mileage Sub-Rule ids
Code | Description |
1 | General roads |
2 | Private roads |
We list here all terms involved in CleaRoad API.
Account manager
Account manager is the entity that manage the RUC Payers accounts and the collection of the RUC (Road User Charging) from the RUC Payers.
Road charger
Road charger is the entity that owns and/or operate the road. The road charge is the final recipient of the RUC. The road chargers could be states, cities, municipalities as well as private companies.
RUC payer
The RUC payer is in charge of paying the RUC to the account manager for its usage of road owned by the road charger. The road charger has defined who are the RUC payer usually through rules and regulations. The account manager needs to report to the clearinghouse which RUC payers he has under its management. The RUC payer can be an individual or an organisation.
ClearRoad Platform
ClearRoad Platform or the clearinghouse is the centralized financial platforms that hosts the global ledger(s) for different account managers, data collectors and road chargers. Road Account is the account that keeps a balance of all the RUC transactions associated with a vehicle registration.
Properties and messages
Billing Period
An object that defines the time period that an invoice covers. The billing period is defined by the account manager for the RUC Payers he is managing.
Billing Period Message
A message sent by an account manager to the ClearRoad Platform to create a new billing period or update an existing one in the CR Platform.
A system of money used by an account manager for the billing of RUC Payers. Example of a currency: USD, Euro.
On Board Unit (OBU)
An object that represents an external or internal device that collects the driving data of a vehicle. In the case of an external device, it is usually inserted in the standard diagnostics port of the vehicle. The data collected by an OBU is used to compute the RUC and record different road events. An OBU is represented in the ClearRoad Platform by a unique alphanumeric identifier.
Odometer Message
A message sent by the data collector to the ClearRoad Platform to indicate the odometer reading of a specific vehicle, for a specific moment of time. It is used in the case of the RUC is not computed from the data collected by the RUC Payer's OBU.
Odometer Reading
An object that contains information on the odometer of a vehicle and the exact timestamp when this reading was observed.
An object that represents an organisation in the ClearRoad Platform that interacts with it. Examples of organisations: data collectors, account managers, public bodies etc.
An object that represents a physical person of an organisation related to ClearRoad Platform and that has an account in the ClearRoad system.
Road Account Message
An message sent by an account manager to ClearRoad Platform that defines transaction validation parameters to allocate a road usage data to a specific road account. This message could be also used to define necessary objects like OBU and vehicle.
Road Account Registration
An object that indicates the registration of the pair OBU and vehicle by a Road Account.
Road Event
An object that indicates an anomaly or an important event to a vehicle or an on board unit (like plugging/unplugging an on board unit in a vehicle, detection of mileage abnormalities etc). Usually detected by the On Board Unit. Road Events include also the anomalies of data collection reporting, detected by the ClearRoad Platform.
Road Account
An object that identifies the RUC Payer and his road account registrations.
Road Mileage Message
A message that contains mileage data and events for a road account for some period of time. The road mileage messages are generated by the on board units. This message could be replaced by a combination of Road Message and Road Event Messages.
Road Event Message
A message that is used in the case of the Road Mileage Message is not used. It contains information about events related to a vehicle or an on board unit.
Road Message
A message that is used in the case if the Road Mileage Message is not used. It contains mileage data for some period of time.
Road Report Request
A request of RUC balances sent by an account manager to ClearRoad Platform. The time period for which the request is made is bound by the validity time of the billing period referenced in the request.
Road Transaction
An object that describes the charges for the road usage, depending of the service used. It is generated by Road Messages (in the production ClearRoad Platform, it is generated by the Road Mileage Message).
Sale Trade Condition
An object that contains a pricing list for all services.
An object that represents a service provided by ClearRoad. A service is a right to drive on specific roads, using a predefined road taxation for them.
A physical vehicle that is identified in the system by its Vehicle Identification Number (VIN).